‘Developing STEM – Literacies in Remote Communities’
Project by Agora High-Tech, Makers Empire and supported by the Australian Space Discovery Centre as part of the Australian Space Agency.
The Book
The book titled ‘A dynamic and synergistic environment where STEM knowledge flourishes’ has been published in May 2024.
The book introduces a concept of a ‘systemic and synergistic environment’. It represents a holistic ecosystem where young people from early childhood through to young adulthood are nurtured and can evolve as powerful, STEM-literate individuals and globally responsible citizens.
Educational curricula must prioritise STEM integration from early childhood through higher education, emphasising ‘hands-on learning’, ‘inquiry-based pedagogies’, and ‘real-world applications’. Additionally, initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusivity within STEM fields are imperative to harnessing the full spectrum of talent and perspectives.
An active part of the “systemic and synergistic environment” is the role of museums and science centers that serve as valuable spaces for experiential learning, offering interactive engagement that goes beyond traditional teaching methods.
This book is not-for-profit and proceeds from its sale will support an educational project aimed at promoting STEM subjects in one of the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands schools. The project, designed and developed by Makers Empire.
Media Release
The Pilot Project
Phase 1
The Mimili Anangu School in the APY Lands has been identified by PIRSA as a pilot project.
The project milestones and final goals are defined. The project is not meant to be a stand-alone activity, it aims to establish regular cooperation between APY Land and Australian Space Discovery Centre in the coming time.
Phase 2
Online workshop developed by Australian Space Discovery Centre (ASDC) with support from Mimili Anangu School and Agora High Tech.
Phase 3
A dedicate ‘career’ session will be developed on-line in one day by ASDC and Agora High-Tech.
Phase 4
Professional Development Course managed by Makers Empires.
Phase 5
The Mimili Anangu School will receive the ‘Education kit – J.U.M.P (Junior Universe Mechatronics Pilot) Box’ from the ASDC and a 3D printer from Makers Empire.
This activity, developed in Mimili Anangu School by their teachers, aims to:
i. Informed awareness
ii. Emotional Well-being
iii. Empowerment